Chemical Earthing Compound

Chemical Earthing Compound
About the product
Chemical earthing compound

Highly conductive earth-pit back fill.
Capable of reducing soil resistivity by up to 90%
Non- corrosive there by improving the life of the earthing system. does not damage the electrode metal in any way.
Doesn't depend on ambient moisture to sustain the earth resistance values. thus performs in all weather conditions giving stable earth resistance values.
Compatible with all types of earthing electrodes, be it pipes, plates or rods of any metal.
Can also be used in trenches made for horizontal type earthing systems.
Increases the total surface area of the earthing electrode ensuring quick dissipation of fault currents.
Maintains constant volume regardless of moisture content. therefore earth plus doesn't shrink or expand. it maintains constant contact with electrode and surrounding soil.
Long shelf life; can be stored for very long periods without deterioration.
Environmental friendly; does not pollute or contaminate the water table
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