Buy Copper Bottle Online | Copper Water Bottle at

About the product
According to Ayurvedic medicine, drinking water stored in copper water bottles has many benefits. Water stored in copper vessels (also known as "tamra Jal" in Ayurvedic medicine), is thought to balance your three doshas (vata kapha, pitta and pitta). Copper's positive health properties are gently infused into the water. A copper vessel can also be natural alakaline water, which will help to balance your body's pH levels. Our copper drinking bottles also come with natural alkaline water bottles.
Studies have shown that copper supports good health, prevents ageing, supports healthy skin, maintains cardiovascular health, stimulates the brain, and supports thyroid health. Copper is naturally anti-microbial and our copper bottles are self-sterilizing so they don't need as much cleaning. They are great for people who live an active lifestyle.
In addition, our copper water bottles are beautiful pieces of functional art. We believe that copper is the best material from which to make water bottles and have worked hard to produce an aesthetically pleasing product that suits an active lifestyle, supports healthy hydration, and helps the environment by avoiding the use of disposable plastic bottles.
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