Invoice software

About the product
You may ask, why is retail automation important to MSMEs in India? In the area of Utility Billing & POS Billing, the answer is two-fold. One has to do with boosting national progress and the other has to do with digitising our currency. Let’s start with the latter, in the previous financial year 2017-18, India spent about 636 crores only on printing the money. So, a digitalised economy will allow for easier carrying, spending & money transfers. Also, it allows for that money which would otherwise be spent on printing, to be used to boost the economy.
Coming to the second reason, the MSME contributes to 33.4% of India’s manufacturing output. It employs about 106 million people, which is about 40% of the country’s workforce. This is the second largest in the world only after China. Today, with the advent of e-commerce, 98% of technology enabled SMEs participate in the export economy of India. These SMEs who adopt the internet for their business activities, report a 51% increase in revenue and 49% increase in their profit margins with a 7% better scope to offer customer support. So how is this possible? Through retail automation, using a range of utility billing software like ONGO billing++ software solutions. India Transact offers MSMEs Point-of-Sale solutions with ONGO billing++. This helps businesses maintain their cash inventory via a software which can be downloaded from the ONGO billing website.
To assist MSMEs in their business is to also lend a hand in boosting our economy itself.
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