Background Checks & Verifications

About the product
Varanasi Detective Agency conducts background checks with extensive investigations which include a full background check from prior to the beginning of the employment. All background Checks are done to mind the business of our client. Business need background checks to ensure they hire the right people the first time around.

Our Background check service is a logically business practices because it:

Advices to help companies hire suitable employees?
Verifies candidates who they say they are?
Fulfills due diligence requirements and protects you from negligent hiring or retention lawsuits?

We investigate to identify the loopholes and reduce your most prone risk factors. The main benefits of our background verification services are :

Avoiding violence in the workplace
Reducing theft
Reducing loss of proprietary information
Reducing training costs
Avoiding negligent hiring or retention lawsuits
Increasing staff productivity & product quality

The background check is to find out if an applicant is telling the truth on his/her resume and application. We provide you background check services which include:

Education verification
Criminal record search
Professional licensing
Civil record search
Motor vehicle records
Previous employment verification
Credit reports
Drug testing
Legal right-to-work verification
Integrity assessment profiles
Employment history
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