Baheda Medicinal tree seeds ( terminalia belerica )

Baheda Medicinal tree seeds ( terminalia belerica )
About the product
Scientific Name:- terminalia belerica

Shape:- oval

Size:- 6-7cm

Color: – Brownish green

Usage: –Germination (not for oil extraction)

Age: -Fresh(less than a year, good for germination)

Origin: – India

Packing: -25,50 (P/P, Jute bags)

Availability: – Throughout the year

Details :

Common name: bastard myrobalan
Hindi Name : Bahera
Botanical name: Terminalia bellirica
Family: Fabaceae

In traditional Indian Ayurvedic medicine, Beleric is known as “Bibhitaki” (Marathi: Behada) (Terminalia belerica) in its fruit form it is used in the popular Indian herbal rasayana treatment triphala. In Sanskrit it is called vibhīdaka

According to Dymock, Warden, Hooper: Pharmacographia Indica 1890 :

This kernels are eaten by the Lodha people of the Indian subcontinent for their mind-altering qualities.

The nuts of the tree are rounded but with five flatter sides. It seems to be these nuts that are used as dice in the epic poem Mahabharata. A handful of nuts would be cast on a gaming board and the players would have to call whether an odd or even number of nuts had been thrown. In the Nala, King Rituparna demonstrates his ability to count large numbers instantaneously by counting the number of nuts on an entire bough of a tree

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7. Munga seeds.
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