
About the product
This procedure is used for inspecting the uterine cavity.

HYSTEROSCOPE:- it comprises of a 4mm telescope with Hopkins rod lens optical system having a wide viewing angle and fibre optic illumination cable.

involves telescope in it. Herein telescope 5 mm in diameter is inserted through the cervix into the uterus. After that the screen is watched out for detailed pictures of the uterus. This is an easy procedure wherein no cuts are involved so this is safe procedure.
Indications For Hysteroscopy:
A) Diagnostic Indications:

Study of endocervical mucosal lining.
Congenital Malformation.
Endometrial Tuberculosis.
Asherman’s Syndrome.
Misplaced IUCD.
Endometrial Lesions and abnormal Uterine Bleeding.
Cornual Tubal Blockage.

B) Therapeutic Indications:

Uterine Septum.
Embedded IUCD.
Submucous Fibroid.
Dysfunctional Uterine Bleeding.
Tubal Blockage.[/su_tab]
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