Fish Manure

About the product
Fish Manure.
Fish manure offers the immediate benefit of plant food with the long-lasting effect of increased microbial activity in the soil. As you prepare your growing space for the next season, consider adding fish manure to your planting and maintenance schedule.
People have been using fertilizers from fish products since ancient times. Fish Manure is an excellent year round fertilizer and soil builder. It is completely natural and 100% organic manure. Now you can have a beautiful lawn and garden without having to worry about the problems associated with dangerous Chemicals it ensures better yield and is soil friendly.
Salient features :
• Rich in NPK and micronutrient content which is necessary for plant growth.
• Improves soil structure for good aeration and improves water holding capacity of soil.
• Improves soil fertility.
• Improves microbial action in the soil causing micronutrient release.
• Abundant in calcium and micronutrients.
• It gradually integrates in the soil causing slow and sustained release of micronutrients
• Improves immunity of plants to diseases.
• Abundant in calcium and micro nutrients.
• High in vitamins, including the entire B-complex.

Mode of use
A popular soil conditioner that helps with healthy root development and green foliage, Fish Manure works great as an early season nitrogen boost. It provides your plants with a mild source of phosphorus and expands microbial colonies in root systems. Works as an ideal additive when preparing new beds or with the season's first planting.

Fish Manure is a great natural fertilizer, high in phosphorous and high in organic nitrogen. Fish Manure is quick acting, offering a sustained supply of nutrients. Don't scatter fish manure, because of the strong odor; plug it in a series of holes about ten inches deep that can then be covered with about four inches of soil. Best for making organic fertilizer.
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