NLP Pratitioner Certification India Program

NLP Pratitioner Certification India Program
About the product
TransHuman Consulting in conjunction with ANLP India presents a fast track 5-Day NLP Practitioner Certification Program . This Program enables the Participants to learn the Basics of NLP and equip themselves with Important NLP Techniques so that the can apply it for self development and also help then do interventions for others .

Who benefits from NLP?

Anyone who enjoys Personal and/or Professional Development Because NLP automatically equips us with tools to rejig patterns of behaviour and belief to forms which serve us better, it is a great discipline for development of any kind.

• Managers – NLP is invaluable in team development and motivation.
• Leaders – Powerful in crafting well-formed outcomes and strategies to lead and inspire others.
• HR Professionals – The use of NLP can motivate existing staff and help to recruit the right people to the right posts.
• Senior Managers – A powerful aid in negotiation, procurement and strategic Planning.
• Trainers – Learn to train at an unconscious and conscious level & match the learning needs & styles of your delegates.
• Coaches – Create and maintain optimum performance and desired changes.
• Therapists / Counsellors – Enable your clients to take charge of and influence their desired states, move out of unhelpful patterns.
• Communicators at all levels – NLP is extremely useful in mass communication and marketing campaigns.
• Executives / Managers – Forms the basis for Brain Based Management, such as NeroLeadership helps understand Self and People and their Behaviour and Motivational requirements
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