Panchakarama Treatment in Kerala

Panchakarama Treatment in Kerala
About the product
The many Pluses, Gains and Benefits of Ayurvedic Panchakarma

Characterizing Panchakarma

Panchakarma comprises of two words, Pancha which means five and Karma meaning the process. Panchakarma is a primeval body purifying and rejuvenating process that in turn comprises of many individual therapies and treatments which is preceded and also followed by some therapies that heighten and benefit the whole Panchakarma therapy. The basic purpose is to eliminate the contaminants or ama from the body and to ease any aggravated doshas from our dhatus or tissues. Therefore, this is definitely a preventive and a curative process.

The Pros of Panchakarma

The rejuvenator quality of Panchakarma is such that the body is able to connect wholesomely to the mind, re-establishing with the intellect, regaining the capability to naturally absorb nutrients and also easily purge wastes.

Panchakarma can also be referred to as a rejuvenator detox. Its rejuvenating quality, the detox process, and the all-natural therapy definitely helps sync up the mind-body.

Panchkarma and its advantages

Ayurveda endeavors to achieve good health and also address sicknesses and cure them. Therefore, one of the most important rejuvenation therapies in Ayurveda, Panchakarma, is an absolute detox method that aims to cleanse the body of all toxins and render the person healthy and also in the process stem out some illnesses. And after a detox, all Ayurvedic treatments, therapies and medicines work better and effectively.
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