Weight Loss Treatment

Weight Loss Treatment
About the product
We at Define Aesthetics understand the difference between obesity in India from the western world & the solutions we offer are customised for Indian population.
At Define Aesthetics every individual is carefully assessed by a team of doctors & nutritionist. Then a tailor made treatment plan is formed using combination of medically proven technologies based on the individual requirements. This helps in achieving optimum results for everyone.
Conventionally most clinics are offering Lipolysis alone as means of fat reduction which reduces only surface fat. Some clinics use outdated muscle stimulators claiming to build muscles. Only at Define Aesthetics we are offer combination of scientific technologies like HIFU, Ion Magnum, radiofrequency & Acoustic wave.
This combination of technology used at Define Aesthetics reduces surface & visceral fat both & improves muscle mass. This guarantees healthy weight loss for everyone.
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