
About the product
Calcium is a macronutrient that affects our skin, bones, teeth, heart, kidneys, liver, and other organs for everyone especially for women. For children, the mineral is more important for proper growth and development. It is therefore important that a deficiency in calcium composition should be corrected efficiently.

Calcium is supplied regularly in our body from every day’s diet. It means natural sources of calcium is easily available but it is only when the diet is lacking in healthy foods that a deficiency of calcium results. The natural source of Calcium is Milk. Milk and milk products form an essential part of a balanced diet.For children, milk is of the most importance to maintain healthy growth.

Other sources of calcium are cabbage, spinach, seafood, almond beans and oranges etc. which contain notable amount of Calcium.

Calcium deficiency can be occurred at every ages. Children may suffer problem in dentition, weak muscle, severe deficiency can lead to rickets. Those problems can easily be avoided if daily requirement of Calcium is fulfilled.

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