DARSHAN SONAR - Digital Marketing Course in Pune

DARSHAN SONAR - Digital Marketing Course in Pune
About the product
What Exactly Is a Corporate Digital Marketing Course in Pune ?
A Platform for Marketing professionals/Students/Entrepreneurs in which real-time scenario-based training is conducted in a Professional Working Environment. Above all our students get In-Depth Practical Training from our expert trainer (with more than 7 plus years of industry experience ) and working with the client’s team in collaboration to achieve goals as per the client’s requirements.
A Training which is conducted in Professional Working Environment in following manner :-

Get In-Depth Practical Training from expert on each and every topic included in Digital Marketing Course Curriculum.
Develop and manage real-world digital marketing plans.
Generate potentials leads using digital marketing tools.
Improve conversion rate and increase sales.
Expert faculty from Industry.
Complete Assessment on each topic with Live Project.
Understanding Client’s requirement and Making Marketing Strategy accordingly.
Get a chance to interact with client.
Opportunity of getting Placed in reputed companies.
Earned Project completion certification from client’s company and Xerces Infotech PVT LTD
Become a certified Digital Marketer.
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