Organic Lemongrass Oils

Organic Lemongrass Oils
About the product
Basically, this organic oil is Used medicinally because the natural Lemongrass Essential Oil’s analgesic properties have been found to relieve muscle and joint pains caused by overexertion of muscles through exercise or exertion. It is also known to boost energy and to reduce fever as well as headaches caused by viral infections such as the cold and flu. It acts as an antiseptic, making it a beneficial ingredient in body lotions and creams that prevent wounds from becoming infected. By alleviating abdominal pain, it can relieve stomach aches and ease spasms in the digestive tract immediately. It works as a detoxifying agent by increasing perspiration, thus promoting the expulsion of bodily toxins through sweating.

This natural oil is used topically or cosmetically in general, because Organic Lemongrass Oil can eliminate or inhibit the growth of harmful bacteria due to its Citral content, which is known to have anti-microbial properties. Organic Lemongrass Oil can reduce inflammation due to its Limonene content, and it can easily slow down the flow of blood by contracting blood vessels. When used in shampoos, it is believed to prevent hair loss so be careful while using. Lemongrass makes an effective, inexpensive, non-irritating, eco-friendly deodorant that is long-lasting and does not have side-effects in proper dilution.
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