Interior Designing Courses

Interior Designing Courses
About the product
INSD is offering you some of the best Interior Design Courses. An Interior Designer combines the techniques in the interpretation of current trends through an intuitive and sensorial approach to a project.

The main aim of our Interior Design Courses is to generate professional figures who are able to apply skills in interpreting and developing projects in the different specialist areas of interiors: residential projects in retail design, public spaces, and exhibition design. This Interior Designing course provides participants with the technical knowledge and understanding to resolve aspects in the construction of spaces, the methodologies to develop a concept proposal through to its correct representation. The approach of the course is creative, artistic, and intuitive as well as technical in design. The interior designers through the research and analysis of the changes in the contemporary way we live plans a space that creates a style story, where the use of color and light helps to evoke a seductive mood.

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